How to Install and Uninstall texlive-amsmath.noarch Package on Amazon Linux 2

Last updated: April 27,2024

1. Install "texlive-amsmath.noarch" package

This guide covers the steps necessary to install texlive-amsmath.noarch on Amazon Linux 2

$ sudo yum makecache $ sudo yum install texlive-amsmath.noarch

2. Uninstall "texlive-amsmath.noarch" package

Please follow the guidance below to uninstall texlive-amsmath.noarch on Amazon Linux 2:

$ sudo yum remove texlive-amsmath.noarch $ sudo yum autoremove

3. Information about the texlive-amsmath.noarch package on Amazon Linux 2

Loaded plugins: ovl, priorities
Available Packages
Name : texlive-amsmath
Arch : noarch
Epoch : 2
Version : svn29327.2.14
Release : 38.amzn2.0.5
Size : 49 k
Repo : amzn2-core/2/x86_64
Summary : AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
License : LPPL
Description : The package provides the principal packages in the AMS-LaTeX
: distribution. It adapts for use in LaTeX most of the
: mathematical features found in AMS-TeX; it is highly
: recommendsd as an adjunct to serious mathematical typesetting
: in LaTeX. When amsmath is loaded, AMS-LaTeX packages amsbsy
: (for bold symbols), amsopn (for operator names) and amstext
: (for text embdedded in mathematics) are also loaded. Amsmath is
: part of the LaTeX required distribution; however, several
: contributed packages add still further to its appeal; examples
: are empheq, which provides functions for decorating and
: highlighting mathematics, and ntheorem, for specifying theorem
: (and similar) definitions.
: date: 2013-03-09 20:29:31 +0100