dropbox-index-svn on AUR (Arch User Repository)

Last updated: February 28,2025

1. Install "dropbox-index-svn" effortlessly via AUR with the help of a helper(YAY)

a. Install YAY (https://github.com/Jguer/yay)

$ sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si

b. Install dropbox-index-svn on Arch using YAY

$ yay -S dropbox-index-svn

* (Optional) Uninstall dropbox-index-svn on Arch using YAY

$ yay -Rns dropbox-index-svn

2. Manually Install "dropbox-index-svn" via AUR

a. Ensure you have the base development tools and git installed with:

$ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

b. Clone dropbox-index-svn's git locally

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/dropbox-index-svn.git ~/dropbox-index-svn

c. Go to ~/dropbox-index-svn folder and install it

$ cd ~/dropbox-index-svn $ makepkg -si

3. Information about the dropbox-index-svn package on Arch User Repository (AUR)

ID: 207460
Name: dropbox-index-svn
PackageBaseID: 44981
PackageBase: dropbox-index-svn
Version: 145-3
Description: Creates index.html for directory contents shared publicly on Dropbox. That way you can easily share whole content of the directory without the need to send separate links for all the shared files.
URL: http://code.google.com/p/kosciak-misc/wiki/DropboxIndex
NumVotes: 4
Popularity: 0
FirstSubmitted: 1293955298
LastModified: 1436161021
URLPath: /cgit/aur.git/snapshot/dropbox-index-svn.tar.gz