splitviewfuse on AUR (Arch User Repository)

Last updated: March 09,2025

1. Install "splitviewfuse" effortlessly via AUR with the help of a helper(YAY)

a. Install YAY (https://github.com/Jguer/yay)

$ sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si

b. Install splitviewfuse on Arch using YAY

$ yay -S splitviewfuse

* (Optional) Uninstall splitviewfuse on Arch using YAY

$ yay -Rns splitviewfuse

2. Manually Install "splitviewfuse" via AUR

a. Ensure you have the base development tools and git installed with:

$ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

b. Clone splitviewfuse's git locally

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/splitviewfuse.git ~/splitviewfuse

c. Go to ~/splitviewfuse folder and install it

$ cd ~/splitviewfuse $ makepkg -si

3. Information about the splitviewfuse package on Arch User Repository (AUR)

ID: 351341
Name: splitviewfuse
PackageBaseID: 98521
PackageBase: splitviewfuse
Version: 0.3.1-1
Description: A view on a given directory that splits large files into segments implemented as FUSE file system. An additional filesystem that merges such segments into regular files is included as well. AUR package by Raansu, project by seiferma
URL: https://github.com/seiferma/splitviewfuse
NumVotes: 2
Popularity: 0
Maintainer: Raansu
FirstSubmitted: 1440542186
LastModified: 1477843068
URLPath: /cgit/aur.git/snapshot/splitviewfuse.tar.gz