How to Install and Uninstall pmreorder.x86_64 Package on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

Last updated: April 26,2024

1. Install "pmreorder.x86_64" package

This is a short guide on how to install pmreorder.x86_64 on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

$ sudo dnf update $ sudo dnf install pmreorder.x86_64

2. Uninstall "pmreorder.x86_64" package

This is a short guide on how to uninstall pmreorder.x86_64 on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8:

$ sudo dnf remove pmreorder.x86_64 $ sudo dnf autoremove

3. Information about the pmreorder.x86_64 package on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

Last metadata expiration check: 1 day, 7:33:00 ago on Sun May 9 13:03:46 2021.
Available Packages
Name : pmreorder
Version : 1.6.1
Release : 1.el8
Architecture : x86_64
Size : 50 k
Source : pmdk-1.6.1-1.el8.src.rpm
Repository : appstream
Summary : Consistency Checker for Persistent Memory
License : BSD
Description : The pmreorder tool is a collection of python scripts designed to parse
: and replay operations logged by pmemcheck - a persistent memory checking tool.
: Pmreorder performs the store reordering between persistent memory barriers -
: a sequence of flush-fence operations. It uses a consistency checking routine
: provided in the command line options to check whether files are in a consistent state.