How to Install and Uninstall latexdraw Package on Debian 12 (Bookworm)
Last updated: December 23,2024
You can also install and uninstall the latexdraw on the following distributions in the same way, as they are all based on the Debian system
- MX Linux 23
- SparkyLinux
1. Install "latexdraw" package
This guide covers the steps necessary to install latexdraw on Debian 12 (Bookworm)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install
2. Uninstall "latexdraw" package
Here is a brief guide to show you how to uninstall latexdraw on Debian 12 (Bookworm):
sudo apt remove
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove
3. Information about the latexdraw package on Debian 12 (Bookworm)
Package: latexdraw
Version: 3.3.8+ds1-2
Installed-Size: 3745
Maintainer: Stuart Prescott
Architecture: all
Depends: default-jre (>= 2:1.8), java-wrappers, libjlibeps-java, libmalai-java, libpdfrenderer-java, scala-library (>= 2.11.12), scala-parser-combinators (>= 1.0.3)
Recommends: ghostscript, texlive-binaries, texlive-latex-base, texlive-pstricks
Suggests: ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Description: vector drawing program for LaTeX using PSTricks
Description-md5: e6d6f64e345041fe36a2ab96e5264f72
Tag: implemented-in::java, interface::graphical, interface::x11,
role::program, science::publishing, uitoolkit::TODO, use::editing,
works-with-format::svg, works-with-format::tex, works-with::image,
works-with::image:vector, works-with::text, x11::application
Section: graphics
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/l/latexdraw/latexdraw_3.3.8+ds1-2_all.deb
Size: 2757772
MD5sum: 1f5dd14162488141302d34b9dc708862
SHA256: 4e8c6df33aaa14339c3fb37613fc1910d47fbe8cfda07c6161b7b33cf548640b
Version: 3.3.8+ds1-2
Installed-Size: 3745
Maintainer: Stuart Prescott
Architecture: all
Depends: default-jre (>= 2:1.8), java-wrappers, libjlibeps-java, libmalai-java, libpdfrenderer-java, scala-library (>= 2.11.12), scala-parser-combinators (>= 1.0.3)
Recommends: ghostscript, texlive-binaries, texlive-latex-base, texlive-pstricks
Suggests: ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Description: vector drawing program for LaTeX using PSTricks
Description-md5: e6d6f64e345041fe36a2ab96e5264f72
Tag: implemented-in::java, interface::graphical, interface::x11,
role::program, science::publishing, uitoolkit::TODO, use::editing,
works-with-format::svg, works-with-format::tex, works-with::image,
works-with::image:vector, works-with::text, x11::application
Section: graphics
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/l/latexdraw/latexdraw_3.3.8+ds1-2_all.deb
Size: 2757772
MD5sum: 1f5dd14162488141302d34b9dc708862
SHA256: 4e8c6df33aaa14339c3fb37613fc1910d47fbe8cfda07c6161b7b33cf548640b