How to Install and Uninstall gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch Package on Fedora 39

Last updated: December 26,2024

1. Install "gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch" package

Please follow the guidelines below to install gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch on Fedora 39

$ sudo dnf update $ sudo dnf install gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch

2. Uninstall "gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch" package

Please follow the step by step instructions below to uninstall gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch on Fedora 39:

$ sudo dnf remove gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch $ sudo dnf autoremove

3. Information about the gfs-philostratos-fonts.noarch package on Fedora 39

Last metadata expiration check: 0:38:02 ago on Thu Mar 7 17:44:52 2024.
Available Packages
Name : gfs-philostratos-fonts
Version : 20090902
Release : 31.fc39
Architecture : noarch
Size : 50 k
Source : gfs-philostratos-fonts-20090902-31.fc39.src.rpm
Repository : fedora
Summary : GFS Philostratos, a 19th century Greek revival of Griechische Antiqua
License : OFL
Description : Griechische Antiqua was one of the historical Greek typefaces of the late 19th
: and early 20th century. It was designed by Μaurice Εduard Pinder, a German
: erudite artist and a member of the Academy of Science in Berlin. This is the
: most popular version which has appeared from 1870 to 1940 in the German
: speaking philological literature and in many classical and Byzantine editions
: by publishers like Teubner (in Leipzig) and Weidmann (in Berlin) such as:
: Anthology of Byzantine Melos by Wilhelm von Christ and Matthaios
: Paranikas (Leipzig 1871), Epicurea, by Heinrich Usener (Leipzig 1887),
: Mitrodorous by Alfred Koerte (Leipzig 1890), Pindar by Otto Schroeder (Leipzig
: 1908), του Aeschylus by U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (Berlin 1910, 1915),
: Bachylides by Bruno Snell (Leipzig, 1934), The Vulgata by Alfred Rahlfs
: (Stuttgart 1935), Suidas Lexicon by Ada Adler (Leipzig 1928-1938) etc.
: E.J. Kenney lamented the abandonment of the type after the 2nd World War as a
: great loss for Greek typography (“From Script to Print”, Greek Scripts: An
: illustrated Introduction, Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 2001,
: p. 69).
: GFS Philostratos was digitized by George D. Matthiopoulos.