How to Install and Uninstall adios2 Package on Manjaro

Last updated: December 26,2024

1. Install "adios2" package

Here is a brief guide to show you how to install adios2 on Manjaro

$ sudo pacman -Sy $ sudo pacman -S adios2

2. Uninstall "adios2" package

In this section, we are going to explain the necessary steps to uninstall adios2 on Manjaro:

$ sudo pacman -Rcns adios2

3. Information about the adios2 package on Manjaro

Repository : extra
Name : adios2
Version : 2.9.2-1
Description : The Adaptable Input/Output System version 2
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : Apache
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : blosc bzip2 glibc gcc-libs hdf5 libfabric libpng
nlohmann-json openmpi pugixml pybind11 sz yaml-cpp
zeromq zfp zlib
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 3.43 MiB
Installed Size : 14.90 MiB
Packager : Antonio Rojas
Build Date : Fri Nov 3 21:10:04 2023
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

5. The same packages on other Linux Distributions