How to Install and Uninstall python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname Package on openSUSE Leap

Last updated: June 26,2024

1. Install "python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname" package

This guide covers the steps necessary to install python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname on openSUSE Leap

$ sudo zypper refresh $ sudo zypper install python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname

2. Uninstall "python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname" package

Here is a brief guide to show you how to uninstall python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname on openSUSE Leap:

$ sudo zypper remove python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname

3. Information about the python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname package on openSUSE Leap

Information for package python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname:
Repository : Main Repository
Name : python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname
Version :
Arch : noarch
Vendor : SUSE LLC
Installed Size : 22,4 KiB
Installed : No
Status : not installed
Source package : python-backports.ssl_match_hostname-
Summary : The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3.5
Description :
The Secure Sockets layer is only actually *secure*
if you check the hostname in the certificate returned
by the server to which you are connecting,
and verify that it matches to hostname
that you are trying to reach.
But the matching logic, defined in `RFC2818`_,
can be a bit tricky to implement on your own.
So the ``ssl`` package in the Standard Library of Python 3.2
and greater now includes a ``match_hostname()`` function
for performing this check instead of requiring every application
to implement the check separately.
This backport brings ``match_hostname()`` to users
of earlier versions of Python.
Simply make this distribution a dependency of your package,
and then use it like this::
from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError
sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3,
cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=...)
match_hostname(sslsock.getpeercert(), hostname)
except CertificateError, ce: