How to Install and Uninstall texlive-mcexam Package on openSUSE Leap

Last updated: December 18,2024

1. Install "texlive-mcexam" package

Please follow the steps below to install texlive-mcexam on openSUSE Leap

$ sudo zypper refresh $ sudo zypper install texlive-mcexam

2. Uninstall "texlive-mcexam" package

Learn how to uninstall texlive-mcexam on openSUSE Leap:

$ sudo zypper remove texlive-mcexam

3. Information about the texlive-mcexam package on openSUSE Leap

Information for package texlive-mcexam:
Repository : Main Repository
Name : texlive-mcexam
Version : 2021.
Arch : noarch
Vendor : SUSE LLC
Installed Size : 71.0 KiB
Installed : No
Status : not installed
Source package : texlive-specs-o-2021-150400.17.1.src
Upstream URL :
Summary : Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
Description :
This LaTeX package automatically randomly permutes the order of
questions as well as the answer options in different versions
of a multiple choice exam/test. Next to the exam versions
themselves, the package also allows printing a concept version
of the exam, a key table with the correct answers or points,
and a document with solutions and explanations per exam
version. The package also allows writing an R code which
processes the results of the exam and calculates the grades.
The following other LaTeX packages are required: enumitem,
environ, etoolbox, longtable, newfile, pgffor (from the
PGF/TikZ bundle), xkeyval, and xstring.

5. The same packages on other Linux Distributions