How to Install and Uninstall perl-Test-Pod-Coverage Package on openSuSE Tumbleweed

Last updated: December 26,2024

1. Install "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage" package

This guide let you learn how to install perl-Test-Pod-Coverage on openSuSE Tumbleweed

$ sudo zypper refresh $ sudo zypper install perl-Test-Pod-Coverage

2. Uninstall "perl-Test-Pod-Coverage" package

This guide covers the steps necessary to uninstall perl-Test-Pod-Coverage on openSuSE Tumbleweed:

$ sudo zypper remove perl-Test-Pod-Coverage

3. Information about the perl-Test-Pod-Coverage package on openSuSE Tumbleweed

Information for package perl-Test-Pod-Coverage:
Repository : openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
Name : perl-Test-Pod-Coverage
Version : 1.10-3.30
Arch : noarch
Vendor : openSUSE
Installed Size : 14.9 KiB
Installed : No
Status : not installed
Source package : perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10-3.30.src
Upstream URL :
Summary : Check for pod coverage in your distribution.
Description :
Test::Pod::Coverage is used to create a test for your distribution, to
ensure that all relevant files in your distribution are appropriately
documented in pod.
Can also be called with the Pod::Coverage manpage parms.
use Test::Pod::Coverage tests=>1;
{ also_private => [ qr/^[A-Z_]+$/ ], },
"Foo::Bar, with all-caps functions as privates",
The the Pod::Coverage manpage parms are also useful for subclasses that
don't re-document the parent class's methods. Here's an example from the
Mail::SRS manpage.
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS" ); # No exceptions
my $trustme = { trustme => [qr/^(new|parse|compile)$/] };
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::DB", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Guarded", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Reversable", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Shortcut", $trustme );
Alternately, you could use the Pod::Coverage::CountParents manpage, which
always allows a subclass to reimplement its parents' methods without
redocumenting them. For example:
my $trustparents = { coverage_class => 'Pod::Coverage::CountParents' };
pod_coverage_ok( "IO::Handle::Frayed", $trustparents );
(The 'coverage_class' parameter is not passed to the coverage class with
other parameters.)
If you want POD coverage for your module, but don't want to make
Test::Pod::Coverage a prerequisite for installing, create the following as
your _t/pod-coverage.t_ file:
use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage required for testing pod coverage" if $@;
plan tests => 1;
pod_coverage_ok( "Pod::Master::Html");
Finally, Module authors can include the following in a _t/pod-coverage.t_
file and have 'Test::Pod::Coverage' automatically find and check all
modules in the module distribution:
use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;