How to Install and Uninstall texlive-pstricks.noarch Package on Rocky Linux 8

Last updated: April 29,2024

1. Install "texlive-pstricks.noarch" package

This is a short guide on how to install texlive-pstricks.noarch on Rocky Linux 8

$ sudo dnf update $ sudo dnf install texlive-pstricks.noarch

2. Uninstall "texlive-pstricks.noarch" package

This guide covers the steps necessary to uninstall texlive-pstricks.noarch on Rocky Linux 8:

$ sudo dnf remove texlive-pstricks.noarch $ sudo dnf autoremove

3. Information about the texlive-pstricks.noarch package on Rocky Linux 8

Last metadata expiration check: 0:25:05 ago on Mon Sep 12 10:27:18 2022.
Available Packages
Name : texlive-pstricks
Epoch : 7
Version : 20180414
Release : 25.el8
Architecture : noarch
Size : 6.9 M
Source : texlive-20180414-25.el8.src.rpm
Repository : appstream
Summary : PostScript macros for TeX
License : LPPL 1.3
Description : An extensive collection of macros for generating PostScript
: that is usable with most TeX macro formats, including Plain
: TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX. Included are macros for
: colour, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and overlays. It
: has many special features, including a wide variety of graphics
: (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with
: colour support. There are macros for colouring or shading the
: cells of tables. The package pstricks-add contains bug-fixes
: and additions for pstricks (among other things). PSTricks uses
: PostScript \special commands, which are not supported by
: PDF(La)TeX. This limitation may be overcome by using either the
: pst-pdf or the pdftricks package, to generate a PDF inclusion
: from a PSTricks diagram.