ultrastardxwp-git on AUR (Arch User Repository)

Last updated: March 01,2025

1. Install "ultrastardxwp-git" effortlessly via AUR with the help of a helper(YAY)

a. Install YAY (https://github.com/Jguer/yay)

$ sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si

b. Install ultrastardxwp-git on Arch using YAY

$ yay -S ultrastardxwp-git

* (Optional) Uninstall ultrastardxwp-git on Arch using YAY

$ yay -Rns ultrastardxwp-git

2. Manually Install "ultrastardxwp-git" via AUR

a. Ensure you have the base development tools and git installed with:

$ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

b. Clone ultrastardxwp-git's git locally

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/ultrastardxwp-git.git ~/ultrastardxwp-git

c. Go to ~/ultrastardxwp-git folder and install it

$ cd ~/ultrastardxwp-git $ makepkg -si

3. Information about the ultrastardxwp-git package on Arch User Repository (AUR)

ID: 757996
Name: ultrastardxwp-git
PackageBaseID: 117003
PackageBase: ultrastardxwp-git
Version: r367.532b1ca-1
Description: UltraStar Deluxe WorldParty is a free and open source karaoke game. It allows up to six players to sing along with music using microphones in order to score points, depending on the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of singing.
URL: http://ultrastar-es.org
NumVotes: 7
Popularity: 0.088684
Maintainer: fenuks
Submitter: fenuks
FirstSubmitted: 1478983102
LastModified: 1593345396
URLPath: /cgit/aur.git/snapshot/ultrastardxwp-git.tar.gz